Friday, October 23, 2020


                                CONCIOUS ACT                                                                 UNCONSCIOUS ACT                                                          SUBCONSCIOUS ACT


The aspirant towards buddahood must know the difference among conscious act,unconscious act and sub conscious act. For example if a person walking on the rods in a new place he has to walk carefully. He has to observe the up n downs of the road, quality of the road. He has to observe both the sides of the road, if there is forest or canals he has to observe. All these observations he will do,so that his journey could be safe.because of this road is new to him there is no previous information in his mind regarding its state. This very fresh observation is called conscious observation or conscious act.


If the same person is passing through the same road again n again he need not observe it in particular as he did it in the first time or second time. Caution regarding its layout becomes the internal part of mind,so his body movements will automatically avoid the up n downs if any. This automatic act is called unconscious.


A repeatedly practiced unconscious act will be tuned as character of a person. It will be reflected as his behavior and mannerisms. Even that person who holds it can not be able to tell why he is behaving in a particular way. Take the previous example ,that same person walks through the same road for many yrs  he will maintain right steps even he walks while chatting with somebody. Even if he walks after a long interval through the same road. he will not be confused. This very deepest level act is called Sub Conscious act

Every creature carries certain behavior ,character and attitude. In particular human being shows multiple  aspirant should understand why even  the infant  and child behaves,in particular times,as if he gone through the incident and having its memory. why a child keeps away his toy if somebody ask it. His previous impressions from the subconscious mind may warn that he will takes it away. Even a puppy hesitates to jump from hights though it is first time. A baby turtle when it comes out of egg takes his way towards water  from the bank though it has no guidance  of its destiny.this is nothing but its subconscious memory which is supplied through jeans.

Amongst the human subconscious mind there are very deepest level primordial memory seeds. they are

 1) fear of death                                                                   2) fear of hunger                                                               3) fear of lose of lover or opposite sex                         4) fear of wounds                                                             5) fear of loosing senses nose,eyes, ears etc.               6) fear of insult                                                                 7) fear of detachment from parents                             8) fear of darkness                                                           9) fear of ugly physic                                                     10) fear of insecured future                                         11) fear of lose of children                                           12) fear of loneliness                                                     13) fear of decease

No need to tell a hen to protect her chicks. No need to tell her to feed them, she doesn’t require any best mothers training. Where from this behavior sprout immediately  when she becomes mother. It is the in built subconscious mind which has been accepted and practiced since the beginning of the species. All the above said subconscious mind acts are basic and common in all the human beings .where ever a person go, he search for the availability of food and shelter first, a male  protect his women first. women maintains  observation on her male so that he should not be attracted by some other women. When the situation is a question of life and death matter,people become all emotional and cross all the rules and regulations. When night is happening all creatures takes their way to shelter.

When a person recognized that he is not separate from the universal consciousness ,and can reach that state which  is absolute none duality followed by bliss and peace, he is said to be realized one. But to stay at that point of state,one needs mind without objects, mind without thinking, mind without memorizing, mind without emotions, mind without frightening. if somebody is ready to face this state just imagine which challenges he is going face. To face absolute meditation he has to stop all the relations,  he cannot think for morning food, he cannot cautious what is happening around him,he cannot  think what is happening to wife and children. This is called the absolute neglected or detached mind. At this state the mind takes its primordial form which can be experienced in the form of bliss ,and at this state only he experiences his   inseparateness. So  the aspirant who wish to move towards buddahood and thereby to nirvana , must overcome his subconscious mind also. This trail itself may seems   risky to some people. but it is up to them to take this risk basing on the intensity to attain buddahood.

There is an another way to do the same thing . that is using the mind to understand mind. This understanding state of mind is called intellect. Through this way aspirant has to continue deep levels of logical thinking process regarding what is mind and its ever changing nature, mystic qualities. Sum total of this effort  a null point will happen at some point of life time when suddenly experiences the buddahood. For this sadana no need to avoid any physicality. Deep level of understanding and uncompromised understanding is enough. this will lead further. Here thinking deeply itself is meditation.

                                                                                                                                                        ANANDA VIDYA 


                     WHAT IS PURE MIND

                      In the process of enlightenment no body will loose the mind but transforms the mind. Destroying mind or loosing mind is not possible at all . mind is energy of consciousness, it is always with it. From un modified state to modified state it flows. At this stage of unmodified state one will call it pure mind. When it start transforming into objects and body throughout various levels ,at that state one will call it impure. But it is not impure , it is phenomena. At absolute un modified state it is not any form , it is not sensible by any organ or any mystic practice. If at all somebody says that he sensed it in yoga it mean he saw one of its primordial modified state. But not the pure one. when  mind becomes pure in some body he can not see it but sees himself as a pure state where there is no separation and duality like mind and consciousness or soul.during the journey of this transformation of mind towards its purity on will experiences bliss . this state is called brahmananda.

                       The spiritual journey targeted towards absolute consciousness state will be attained  when one gets his own mind this stage ones self feels own is like a layer of ice top on the water desolved into water again, like algae on the water this state only the water becomes visible,and at that stable and un shakable state only one can see the pebbles under the water.the sameway self feesl its purity when mind transforms into pure. Mind has transformed it self as matter , emotions and feelings. how can be matter,emotions and feelings are mind? is a question  before the sadaka(seeker)to understand. in Sequence of this a question, one more question "what is mind”? will also arise.  

Monday, October 19, 2020



                    NIRVANA YOGA
    (By Ananda Vidya Yoga Solutions)


1)Source is  "is" for the entire universe 

2)you are not different from that     source 

3)That initial sense which happened suddenly, continued  and ended is your first experience 

4)Memory of such each sense is knowledge 

5)By following the experience knowledge will settle 

6)Recaptulising of knowledge is practice

7)By practice, knowledge strengthens further and become an energy.

8)Such knowledge energy settles as Memory seed.

9)Memory Seed is Samskara(a energy and force of habit).

10)Sum total of samskaras, sprout as physical form and behavior of jivas(species),which is called personality.

11)Having takeup a personality is birth.

12)Persons,bydefault, attraction towards like minded,and deserved situations is Niyathi(self agreed unknown force)

13)Roaming in the loop of Niyathi by loosing wisdom is Bondage,Sansara(world) and Prarabdha Karma(Results of past deeds)

14)The initial sudden sense happens because of "Maya Energy".

15)Maya Energy is "is" in the Source.

(To break the loop)

1)Sadana is a technic(tantra)which averts knowledge from its settlement as Energy of Knowledge(GnanaSakti).

2)To stop Recaptulising knowledge is technic.

3)Not desiring experiences leads to no Recaptulation of knowledge.

4)Practice will be stopped because of sadana.

5)when practice been stopped,knowledge won't be further strengthen as "Energy of Knowledge".

6)If no Energy of Knowledge,samskaras won't settle.

7)Unsettlement of samskaras leads to the end of memory seed of experience,then and there.

8)The end of Memory seed then and there leads to "Living in the present moment".

In the moment of the present one can experience the Source(the pure self),and source is always there in the moment of the present.

10)the pure self holds " the pure mind".

11)Having pure mind gains pure self.bothe are complementary.

12)Pure mind generates bliss to the self.

13)At this state self gets the sense of the presence of the pure mind.the mind reveals itself by itself.This is called blessing.

14)Revelation of  presence of the mind confirms the existence of Maya Energy in the Source.

15)All experiences are trantiant and temporary,they happen and pass.

16)The order of knowing and confirm, how and why all experiences are incidents which just happen and pass,is called Self Enquiry.

17)Unbiased Intellect is the means for Self Enquiry.

18)One should observe and concentrate on whatever in the creation,that comes under the catche of one's intellect and senses.

19)Out of Enquiry,One would know all happenings,all matter and all relationships are having some form and value in the present,But are temporary and trantiant in respect of form,value and existence.this knowledge develops dispassion.

20)Dispassion develops detachment.

21)The one who is dispassionate and detached won't roll in force of knowledge will be checked.


1)When self experiences BLISS because of Pure Mind,the self concentrats on BLISS.This is called Blissfull Samadhi.

2) In that samadhi on one unexpected and sudden moment Bliss disappears.

3)Lost of bliss in samadhi indicates disollution of pure mind in the Self(Source).

4)Here no Perceiver,no Perceiving and no Perceived.Only Oneness remains,even without the knowledge of such oneness to itself.This is the ultimately redeemed self from all experiences and all knowledge.This is NIRVANA.

5)One will get better samskaras,better personality and better birth,If one practices and accumulates better experiences and better Knoledge force.

6)One can break the loop of birth to death & death to birth, if one could stop development of samskaras.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

YOGA-Class 10

SRADHA of the seeker will push him in search of "PATH", and thereby adoption of various YOGIC practices will happen.

Friday, October 16, 2020

YOGA-Class 9


SPIRITUALITY or YOGA or TATWA GNANA,what ever its name be, will begin in one's life by questioning existence.those primordial and broad questions are as follows 
1) Why should 'I' and all the SPECIES and the       UNIVERSE exist?
2) Is there any particular SOURCE  or     
     CREATOR  or  GOD exist ?
3)  Am I still exist after DEATH ?
4)  What is my relation with SOURCE if it     
5)  How the UNIVERSE and SPECIES arise?

The seriousness of the sadaka(seeker) by sticking in search of getting answers to the above broad questions is called SRADHA(devotion & commitment towards search). 

YOGA-Class 8

The attempts to discover the tatwa(Nature or property)of the "SELF" would,by default, positions the sadhaka as a realized one,by the consequential result of such TATWA GNANA.Vignana is also a simultaneous and consequential result of TATWA GNANA.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

YOGA-Class 7


while crossing various stages in yogic journey the knowledge that supports in discovering one's "SELF" (or) the knowledge  that stands as a answer  to the question  "WHO AM I ?",is called GNANA.This GNANA is offen termed as TATWA GNANA.Tatwa in Sanskrit means the      "Nature or State of SELF".

Thursday, October 8, 2020


YOGA-Class 6

While crossing various stages in yogic journey,Sadhaka would be revealed by the prakriti regarding various energies and powers,which  are back  ground of entire manifestation. This part of knowledge is called vignana.this can not be accessed by normal senses.Knoledge of vignana is also called Athimdriya Gnana(Sense of super natural knowledge)


Reality QUOTES